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Treatment modifications to
manage adverse reactions

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Manage and monitor adverse reactions1

View signs, symptoms, and immune-mediated adverse reaction management information

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Nephritis with renal dysfunction

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Dermatologic conditions

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Other immune-mediated adverse reactions

Infusion-related reactions

These are not all the possible organ systems that may be affected.1

Complications of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), such as graft-versus-host disease, can be fatal, and other serious complications can occur in patients who receive allogeneic HSCT before or after being treated with Opdualag.1

IMAR Guide

A quick reference guide to immune-mediated adverse reactions (IMARs) associated with Opdualag.

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Treatment modifications1

Pneumonitis Grade 2 Withhold
Grade 3 or 4 Permanently discontinue
Grade 2 or 3 Withhold
Grade 4 Permanently discontinue
Hepatitis AST/ALT increases to >3 times and ≤8 times the ULN
Total bilirubin increases to >1.5 times and ≤3 times the ULN
AST/ALT increases to >8 times the ULN regardless of baseline
Total bilirubin increases to >3 times the ULN
Permanently discontinue
Endocrinopathies Grade 3 or 4 Withhold until clinically stable or permanently discontinue depending on severity
Nephritis with renal dysfunction Grade 2 or 3 increased blood creatinine Withhold
Grade 4 increased blood creatinine Permanently discontinue
Exfoliative dermatologic conditions Suspected SJS, TEN, or DRESS Withhold
Confirmed SJS, TEN, or DRESS Permanently discontinue
Myocarditis Grade 2, 3, or 4 Permanently discontinue
Neurological toxicities Grade 2 Withhold
Grade 3 or 4 Permanently discontinue
Infusion-related reactions Grade 1 or 2§ Interrupt or slow the rate of infusion
Grade 3 or 4§ Permanently discontinue
  • No recommended dose reductions for Opdualag™ (nivolumab and relatlimab-rmbw)1
  • In general, withhold Opdualag for severe (Grade 3) IMARs1
  • Permanently discontinue Opdualag for life-threatening (Grade 4) IMARs, recurrent severe (Grade 3) IMARs that require systemic immunosuppressive treatment, or an inability to reduce corticosteroid dose to 10 mg or less of prednisone or equivalent per day within 12 weeks of initiating steroids1

*Based on National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, Version 5.0.1 Resume in patients with complete or partial resolution (Grade 0 to 1) after corticosteroid taper. Permanently discontinue if no complete or partial resolution within 12 weeks of last dose or inability to reduce prednisone to 10 mg per day (or equivalent) or less within 12 weeks of initiating steroids.1 Depending on clinical severity, consider withholding for Grade 2 endocrinopathy until symptom improvement with hormone replacement. Resume once acute symptoms have resolved.1

ALT=alanine aminotransferase; AST=aspartate aminotransferase; DRESS=Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Systems; IMARs=immune-mediated adverse reactions; SJS=Stevens Johnson syndrome; TEN=toxic epidermal necrolysis; ULN=upper limit of normal.

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Dosing Schedule

Learn more about the dosing schedule for this fixed-dose combination therapy.

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Preparation &

Find information about how to prepare and administer Opdualag to your patients.


  1. Opdualag [package insert]. Princeton, NJ: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company.

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