Opdualag™ was evaluated in
a global, randomized phase 2/3
trial vs nivolumab monotherapy1
Opdualag™ was evaluated in
a global, randomized phase 2/3
trial vs nivolumab monotherapy1
Actor portrayal.
Median duration of treatment for Opdualag at the 33.8-month median follow-up was 8.3 months.2 Treat until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.1
Inclusion criteria1,3:
Exclusion criteria1:
*Patients were allowed to receive prior adjuvant and neoadjuvant melanoma therapy. Anti–PD-1, anti–CTLA-4, or BRAF-MEK was allowed as long as there was at least 6 months between the last dose of therapy and date of recurrence; interferon therapy was allowed as long as the last dose was at least 6 weeks prior to randomization.1 †PD-L1 expression (≥1% vs <1%) using PD-L1 IHC 28-8 pharmDx test.1 ‡LAG-3 expression (≥1% vs <1%) using a clinical trial assay.1 §The final analysis of OS was not statistically significant.1
AJCC=American Joint Committee on Cancer; BICR=blinded independent central review; BRAF=B-Raf proto-oncogene; CTLA-4=cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated antigen 4; ECOG PS=Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status; IHC=immunohistochemistry; IV=intravenous; LAG-3=lymphocyte-activation gene-3; M=metastases; MEK=mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase; ORR=overall response rate; OS=overall survival; PD-1=programmed cell death protein-1; PD-L1=programmed death-ligand 1; PFS=progression-free survival; Q4W=every 4 weeks; RECIST=Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors.
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